martes, 7 de mayo de 2019

Measurement and ICT

In this post I show two examples of APPs for mobile or tablet through which children can learn and practice different aspects related to measure while playing. These APPs are aimed at students in the 1st cycle of primary education.

The first APP is called Monkey Math: math games & practice”. This is a learning APP designed for children from preschool to 1st cycle of primary education. It develops more than 45 math skills which contains more than 10.000 games and quizzes. Children earn coins and diamonds along the different games and they master important math skills while they progress on them. This APP also includes more than 300 lessons with videos that are super creative and enjoyable with lively animations and sound effects which clearly explain early math concepts and keep kids engaged and motivated. The lessons, games and skills of 1st cycle of primary education math includes, in addition to measurements, the numbers and counting, comparisons, advanced addition and subtraction, mixed operations, geometry, patterns, spatial sense, data and graphs among others.
Students can work with the APP in pairs. One of them decide the skill which they will work and the other do the activity that s/he proposed him/her. When one of them has doubts about a procedure, the other student can resolve their doubt. In case that they do not know what to do, they can check the videos includes in the APP. In this way, in addition to developing teamwork, they work in the competence of learning to learn.

The other APP is called Metric Measurement Ruler Games”. This APP is a metric measurement learning program designed for children of 1st cycle of primary education.  Children learn how to measure centimetres, millimetres and centimetres with decimals. For this, it includes different centimetre ruler games, millimetre ruler games and centimetre ruler games with decimals. In this game, they play and learn how to measure length using ruler, how to solve problems if the ruler is not to scale, etc.
The students, in pairs or groups of three students, can work the different units of measures through the APP. For example, if the centimetres work, they would play the different games in an orderly way and then apply the concepts learned with real objects in class.

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